Wednesday, January 1, 2014

No Regrets || January Goals

If someone had given me a list of everything that was going to happen in 2013 I would have started cracking up - there's no way that ALL of that could take place in just one year.  At all.  Last year I decided to live 2013 without regrets.  I took chances.  I tried new things.  I met new people.  I went on adventures.  I had a blast!

Even though last year was *amazing*, 2014 is going to be even better!  I have so many new things lined up, and there might even be a couple new adventures along the way.  I'm going to continue living without regrets, letting go, and watching where God takes me.  Bring it on 2014!!


January Goals:


  • Play More Tennis!  I've joined a league that starts this month and I can't wait!  It's been 5 years since I competed last, and I really need to hurry up and get back into shape.

  • Create a schedule for my personal life (and stick to it)

  • Sugar. Has. To. Go.  Every time I take myself off of sugar I feel amazing, and every time I start eating it again I feel lousy.  When am I ever going to learn?!?

  • Flexibility - no matter if it's tennis or photography, flexibility really helps.  It's been over 10 years since I was able to do them last, but let's see if I can do the splits by the end of this month ;-)



  • Finish December Bookkeeping

  • Update portions of my website

  • Start posting to social media sites

  • Watch the creativeLIVE courses that I bought last month


 And because I'm extra daring today, I've decided to post some photos that my sister took of me on Christmas.  This is the first time that I've posted any part of a session of *me* on the blog.  :)

(Thanks Lizzy!!)


Happy 2014!!





  1. Oh, Laura. Why are you so adorable!?!?!
    Can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for you!! :)

  2. You need to add come riding to your January goals!
